
South African Irrigation Institute Article

Earlier this winter I received a random-looking “media query” email from an editor of SABI (South African Irrigation Institute) about Irrigation Ales. I hesitated because… well… spam.

But thought, this way too specific an ask in connection to irrigation, and after a little internet sleuthing everything checked out and indeed the request was legit. She said she would love to do a story on our brewery and thinks their South African readers would get a kick out of our concept. It was fun learning about the unique challenges for their country and the similarities of rural entrepreneurship in Kansas to South Africa. She says their countrymen are avid travelers and we would love to have any of them visit the brewery if they get the chance!

The organization covers the irrigation industry in their region and is based in Cape Town, South Africa. Their website states:

SABI – the South African Irrigation Institute – strives to ensure optimal irrigation in agriculture, landscape and all environmental settings. SABI’s ultimate mission is the saving of water.

SABI, a technical-based Institute, has more than 450 members, including designers, engineers, soil scientists, crop experts, entrepreneurs, economists and irrigation farmers.

Check out their April-May edition below: